Alison Clarke is one of the team from ActionCOACH bringing the South West Business Growth Summit to Bath this March – a day designed to give business people a can-do attitude.
Growth Summit delegates will be motivated by renowned international speaker, Jim Lawless, business coach and author of Taming Tigers: Do Things You Never Thought You Could Do.
We met with Alison to find out more about the Growth Summit, what she does and why she is so passionate about it.
Alison is a Mind Set coach working with the team at ActionCOACH in Frome. When they brainstormed this year’s South West Business Growth Summit she was right behind bringing Jim lawless to Bath. Here is why, and why it aligns so much with everything she knows to be true.
I spent years feeling like I was broken, that I was not good enough and that I was inferior to other people. Imagine you were watching a play and that was the script that had been written as a part for an actor, and they played their life as that character- that was me. It influenced all the decisions and choices I made, it determined whether I was going to enjoy an event or not, it got in the way of meeting new people and it ruined many relationships. I often felt like an imposter as people seemed to see something in me and appoint me in management roles and I couldn’t see why and wondered when I was going to get found out!
I had worked as an interior designer for most of my career but started to notice that although it looked to my clients that a new set of expensive curtains would make them happy it very obviously wasn’t and so I decided to re-train in a profession that I thought might be more helpful.
What I hadn’t planned on happening was that in re-training, first as a hypnotherapist and then as a coach that I would un-pick myself to the point that everything I had been so convinced was true and un-changeable about me and my limitations was all completely made up! I was habitually making it up day after day and then living as if it was true.
Jim Lawless, the keynote speaker at the South West Business Growth Summit is a Master Un-picker! His framework of Taming Tigers is a practical way to totally un-assemble all the made up stories we have about ourself and that is the stuff that changes lives!
I love helping clients to see life differently, have new insights and fresh new thinking and I know this event will support many people to make incredible changes.
The South West Business Growth Summit takes place on Friday March 1, 2019 at Bath Racecourse. It’s aimed at local business owners and managers wanting to grow their business and create great results. To find out more and to book your place visit: